8 Jun, 2018

Office 365 URL Redirect

You are using Office365 but would like to ensure users have best experience over o365 utilization and how to get where. Letsredirect allows you to do hostname to url redirect.

One of the key steps is to provide easy to remember url for their tools. To do that we will use letsredirect from MeeStart that will allow you to super easily provide to your users user friendly url.

In your entreprise environement you can even imagine to add by GPO your public domain in your DNS suffixes so user will just have to enter: intranet and will be redirected to your domain.

As security might be key in your environment letsredirect provides multiple option, the cheapest one using http only on cloud no infra on your side, https on cloud, where we can either use your certificate or get assistance to buy a dedicated certificate, or finally on premise environment.

Hostname Example redirect to
mail. mail.meestart.com outlook.office.com
intranet. intranet.meestart.com https://yourdomain.sharepoint.com


portal. Example portal.office.com
  1. first create an account on register.meestart.com.
  2. Connect to letsredirect.meestart.com or click on login on https://letsredirect.com
  3. Add a subscription and pay for it, it starts as low as 20$ / year
  4. Add your 3 entries based on the above.
  5. GO to admin.office.com / Settings / Domains, select your domain and add 3 cnames to  mail -> cs1.meestart.com, intranet -> cs1.meestart.com, portal -> cs1.portal.com

You could also have a look on how to integrate your helpdesk solution Freshdesk Keycloak SAML Integration.

More on letsredirect.com and MeeStart launching on MeeStart Launch

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About : philippe

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